27/11/2007 - Today we woke up to a winter wonderland - we had received about 5 cm of snow - it is just beautiful and is exactly what we had been dreaming of since we started organising this holiday a couple of years ago. We then drove Peter up to
Kelowna and watched him play Ice Hockey, it really is a great spectator sport. Peter plays with a group of friends who have made up two teams and play on Tuesday's and Thursday's - it looks like great exercise.

28/11/2007 - It's my birthday. And what a fantastic day I had, as much as I missed having my great family and friends from home around to help me celebrate. My lovely friends from Canada (oh and my husband) sure made my day very special and certainly very memorable. The day started off with a beautiful card from the Big Fella and a coffee in bed. Dave's mum bought me a
gorgeous brown
jumper. Dave then took me to the Casino for a couple of hours, unfortunately I lost but Dave had a win - so all in all not too bad. After that we then went over to Bobbie and Brant's house. Mike the fisherman (Karin's husband) owns a crabbing licence and had been crabbing the previous night and had come down to
Kaleden with a bucketful of
Dungeness Crabs and all I can say is they were absolutely delicious. For dinner there was Dave and I, Bobbie and Brant, Lisa and Peter, Karin, Mike and Hayden, Louise and Tom (Peter's parents) and May. Dave had organised a couple of delicious cakes (Cappuccino Mouse and a Chocolate Orange Brandy) I think they are both sitting on my hips. I also received some wonderful presents from the
Howards; a bird feeder and feed, which is proudly hanging up outside my kitchen window, some feet and hand warmers (which I'm sure will be used very shortly) and a beautiful arrangement which is now sitting at the front door for all visitors to admire. Tom and Louise gave me a lovely presented bottle of wine and May bought me some wooden cloths - so I was definitely spoilt.
Ohh I better add that the big fella had previously purchased me a fantastic new jacket. Then when we arrived home I found another wonderful surprise - two bottles of one of my favourite wines Oyster Bay from Tony and Lisa (our landlords). So a huge thank you to all my Canadian friends who really made my day very very special, Dave, my family at home for their phone calls and cards. I also received some great emails from my friends back at home and a great surprise from Mrs Mullet who phoned me. To top the day off, it started snowing again in the evening. What a perfect day.....

29/11/2007 - The morning after - We received another couple of centimetres of snow overnight so the Big Fella and I decided it was time to make a snowman (you may not recognise it as a snowman, it looks more like an alien - but hey we had a lot of fun). Dave decided that he should try and remove some of the snow from the driveway, I think because there was a couple of days build up that some of the compact snow had turned a bit icy - so he really had to put his back into it.
Dave now knows why all Canadian boys skate so well. They are all given a shovel at an early age and told to go and clean the driveway. Dave spent 3 hours slipping and sliding on the driveway. (And he still falls like a bag of.....).
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