19/10/07 - I can't believe I forgot to write about out trip to the Casino. I finally got the Big Fella to take me to the
Penticton Casino (a place I feel that I might frequent on the odd occasion). It is really a cute little Casino - it has about 7 tables and around 100
Pokies. So of course I had to try out the
pokies and then the tables. Well I was off to a flying start I put $20 in the
Pokies and took out $50 (yes I took it out). I then headed over to a table called Texas Shoot Em - a bit different to Texas Hold Em. It's a version of Poker, you, the other players and the dealer all get dealt 4 cards, you keep 2 of your best cards (everyone turns them over, so all can see) and throw the other 2 out (unless they also are 2 good cards then you can play 2 hands (twice the bet though)). The dealer than deals 5 cards face up on the table, with these cards and your 2 cards you make the best poker hand you can - you can get 5 of a kind . If you beat the dealer you get paid, if not the dealer takes your money. Anyway I turned my $50 into $150 - all in all a great night.
20/10/07 - 22/10/07 - Dave and I have been laying low and relaxing for the last couple of days, we went and visited May on Sunday afternoon for cocktail hour, she is such an inspiration. Other than that we've hardly left the house, we've been enjoying the fireplaces, jacuzzi and practising our shooting - the woodpeckers are still looking very safe. We have ordered 4 winter tyres for our car and are waiting for these to be delivered before we do anymore road trips. I've also found a good Liquor Store - they sell both Australian and New Zealand wines and they are only about an extra $1 (
looney) or $2 (
tooney) - so I'm very happy, and so is Dave he can buy a carton of Corona for less than $40. I've also been trying a few of the local wines and I've found a few that I do enjoy - so it's looking up. I'm not saying my beer drinking days are over, because when we go out and they only have the House Wine or Beer - I'm taking the Beer.
23/10/07 - Well we finally got the winter tyres fitted. We have had a heat wave since. (Got up to 8 C) The tyre compound is very soft so it needs the cold. Not much to tell just laying low and getting everything organised for the winter. It really is quiet amazing - people think that we are a bit weird coming to stay for 6 months for the winter, probably about 1/3 of the residents pack up their house and toys (boats, jet ski etc) and head off to find some warmer weather. We are surprised that there are quiet a number of locals that don't ski or board, apparently you either play Ice Hockey or do the skiing thing. We were out shopping today and we now understand it could be the cost factor - the goal keeper pads alone were around $1,200 and that was a second hand pair. Also the Ice
Hockey takes up a lot of time, the
Penticton Vees play at least 2 or 3 times a week.
24/10/07 - Went to another Ice Hockey game - yep in the corporate box and drank the beer.
25/10/07 - The Big Fella wasn't happy this morning - I finally got him out of bed at around 8:30 to go for our morning walk (sometimes it's closer to midday) anyway he thought we wouldn't have to go once it got down to -3 degrees - I got news for him wear more clothes. We are starting to look like 2 Michelin Men roaming the streets.

26/10/07 -Well this morning we woke up to the temperature at -3 degrees. I decided to not even bother to get the Big Fella to go for a walk as it was we were going shopping at
Kelowna is approx. 1 hours drive from
Kaleden. The drive is very enjoyable, as the scenery is very picturesque. Shopping went well we crossed nearly everything off our list - Dave got some new boots and I purchased a new jacket plus many other things.

27/10/07 - I thought yesterday was bad -3 today was -4. I tried to get Dave up for a walk - well you can imagine the response I got - needless to say I put on nearly all the clothes I have and went by myself. May, Bobbie, Brant, Lisa and Peter (Bobbie and Brant's daughter and son in-law) went to the Lost Moose for dinner it is up the top of one of the mountains and looks down onto
Penticton and both lakes
Okanagan and
Skaha - magnificent views. They really know how to cook good ribs

28/10/07 - Today Bobbie and Brant picked us up and we went for a drive to
Keremeos to pick up all our pumpkins for decorations for Halloween on the 31st - well the Big Fella (is so excited about the festivities - as you can imagine -). Of course we had to spend hours shopping for a pumpkin that Dave could carve for Halloween night. (Pumpkin shopping for Halloween is a big family affair over here.) We drove through a few towns
Osoyoos and Oliver - they are really into the wineries over here now - they seem to be everywhere - this place just keeps getting better.
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