Thursday, 6 February 2014

2013/12 - 2014/01 Las Vegas and Sun Peaks

Originally I wasn't going to do a Blog for the beginning of our trip as we are staying in Sun Peaks for a couple of months, but hey I had a few photos (or maybe more than a few) so thought I would put these up on our Blog.  The photos maybe a bit boring and repititous for those that were not here.

Dec 2013 - Las Vegas

Mum and I left BrisVegas on the 4th December and spent 5 days by ourselves taking it easy (ok there may have been a bit of drinking, gambling and shopping going on) until The Big Fella turned up.  The shopping slowed down but the gambling and drinking still kept going.  Luke arrived on the 14th, with the Eames's, Gwynne's, Holleran's and Reid's arriving on the 15th.  So of course the drinking, gambling and shopping got even bigger, there are a few stories to come out of our Vegas Trip, but hey I've heard that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, so I won't be writing about these events here, but feel free to ask me when I get back to Australia.

Dec 2013 - Jan 2014 - Sun Peaks

Dave, Mum, Luke and I all left Las Vegas on the 19th with the rest of the gang arriving on the 20th.  The Cornerstone Chalet which we had booked was all lit up for us when we arrived.  The Chalet was great, but we did miss having a huge room where we could all gather comfortably.  We did replace the shopping with skiing/boarding, stopped the gambling (for money)and replaced this with cards and of course kept drinking.  Our first Celebration was Christmas, were we had a fantastic lunch for 23 no small feat, but everything went really well and I'm sure it will be a Christmas we will all remember.  The next celebration was Luke's birthday on the 30th, so the adults went out to dinner at Bottoms, were we continued to keep drinking until closing time.  The next morning we were a bit worse for wear so decided to have the morning off the slopes.  We did however get into the Olympic spirit, we were all split into teams 'The Black Team' and 'The White Team', both the Big Fella and I ended up on the white team (the winners), with Mum as the referee, So, much to the Holleran's disgust, New Years Eve's night was very quiet, we were all out of puff (think we maybe getting a bit old) I think everyone was in bed by about 10:30.  We did go into the village to watch the ski / board jumping (which was great) however the rest of the nights entertainment was very low key i.e. the lighting of one of the runs and the fireworks, we maybe spoilt on the fireworks front.

We were lucky enough that Bobbie, Brant, Lisa and Jett came to visit us all in Sun Peaks.  It was great to catch-up with them all and we are hoping that they will come back soon for another visit.

Over the time that everyone was at Sun Peaks, we did have a bit of sickness in the house, but luckily only one visit to the hospital for Jesse.  He was diagnosed with a US Virus and bad hydration so rest, rehydration and antibiotics were prescribed.

The crew all went for a day snow mobiling, Tony and a few others had done this before in Japan and absolutely loved it.  However, I don't think it was the same, and was a little disappointing for most.  Maddie had a little accident with a tree that jumped out in front her, so her snow mobile was sidelined for the remainder of the activity.  Maddie and Cassidy were on the same snow mobile, and whilst both girls were shocked and Maddie had bruising and cuts on her leg, they were both able to walk away from the accident.

The Hot Tub was frequently used by most.  It was great to sit in the Hot Tub after a days skiing / boarding with a nice glass of wine or beer and for most of us with our clothes on.

We have been to a couple of Hockey games in Kamloops and Vernon.  Our last game was the most exciting, there were three punch-ups in the first third with more to come in the 2nd and 3rd period.

Unfortunately, the Hollerans left on the 8th, Mum on the 10th, Luke on the 11th and the Reids on the 12th.  So our numbers were now down to 12, the house was very quiet after having 19.  It was a sad day when the Eames's and the Gwynne's left on the 20th, but lucky for us Maddie decided to stay on.

For additional photo's see the links below:
04/12/2013 - 19/12/2013 - Las Vegas
19/12/2013 - 31/01/2014 - Sun Peaks, BC

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