Let's see we have made a few trips up to Kelowna to get the Eames's and the Elfords all set-up for the slopes.
I'll just let you know a few of the stories that we have to tell about our trips up to the snow.
- On one of the first days for the Eames's they decided to take the leisurely Grandfather trail back down the mountain (first mistake), they let Simone lead (second mistake), the Grandfather trail had just opened up and from what they tell us it was definitely premature. Half way down they made a wrong turn and ended up on the road - a couple of kilometres from their destination and Simone and the kids just couldn't walk anymore so Tony hails down a large ute and they all jump in the back (yep it's about -10) and hitch a lift back to the village.
- Tony, Simmy, Maddy and I were sitting in the coffee shop at the bottom of the T-Bar whilst the other Eames children were out having a lesson. The instructor was about to take Billy up the T-Bar, and everyone who has hopped on a T-Bar before knows that you don't sit on it, you just let it pull / push you up. Well the first thing that Billy does is try to sit down - well he's not going down alone - so down comes the instructor.
- Another good T-Bar story was one about Simmy trying to teach Jesse how to ride the T-Bar. The liftee puts the T-Bar under Jesse's bottom (Jesse being the youngest at 6 years of age) and of course the T-Bar ends up around Simmy's ankle's and takes her out like she has been tackled by a Front Row forward - she goes straight up in the air and lands flat on her back - with Jesse following suit. Well as if I wasn't in stitches already, Jesse then gets up and starts yelling at Simmy for not doing it right - I've just about wet myself.
- Dave's first trip up the 3 seater chair lift is with Billy. Dave is trying to do the right thing and help Billy off the lift first (forgetting that you don't have much time to get off this lift). Well he's got Billy off nice and safely, but forgets to get off himself so starts heading back down the mountain - well he's not going down the mountain on the lift. So he jumps about 10 feet off the lift into some nice powder snow - let me say there was certainly a puff that went up.
- The Elford's have picked it up right from where they left it last year. Lukey is really carving it up and having some great stacks. Karleigh wasn't too well for the first couple of days but has come good and is back on the snow boarding as good as usual. Louie is always the one who likes to get the technic down pat and is coming down the mountain with style. This is the first time that I've seen Dom (Luke's friend) board and he looks to be having a good time. It really is fantastic having everyone out on the mountain - laughing at every ones mishaps.
The Eames's and I went to an Ice Hockey game whilst Dave picked up the Elford's from the airport - the trip was a lot better than our last 8 hour trip from Vancouver, they got home in about 5 1/2 - much to Dave's relief the weather was a lot kinder with the snow storms happening.
My cooking skills have been put to the test with now having to cook for 13 people. Everyone is pitching in and so far no one has ended up with food poisoning. Though Tony does look like he has had Botox which has gone terribly wrong. The whole left side of his face is really swollen (he thinks it is his teeth), he went to the hospital on Boxing Day to find out it was going to cost $850 Canadian dollars just to see a doctor, he spoke to a nurse who told him which tablets to get - so he's been taking some drugs and visited the dentist at around 11:00, apparently he has an infection and it looks like he will need root canal surgery next week once all the swelling and infection has gone down.
Christmas day was fantastic, we all woke up at around 7:00 (to a white Christmas day), we opened our presents and then we had our typical ham and eggs for breakfast. Some of the family went out in the yard (filled with snow) and tossed around a football. Luke, Dom and Louise all went for a little snooze whilst the Eames kids played with their new toys and Karleigh, Simmy and I started on a late lunch / early dinner. Karleigh was the only one that had any experience with cooking a Turkey so she got the job of preparing the Turkey. I'll let the pictures tell the full story - but all I can say is that I think the Roast Turkey etc was delicious and a huge hit - thanks to Simmy and Karleigh. Our landlord Tony and Lisa came over in the afternoon for a bit of Christmas Cheer and got to meet the whole clan. And then just to top off a perfect day we received some snow in the afternoon.
On boxing day Louise and Ashley caught the bus to Kelowna to hit the boxing day sales whilst the rest of us hit the slopes. Dave and I are just loving being out on the slopes and we love the fact that we have the families here to enjoy it with us. Bobbie, Brant, Karin, Mike, Hayden, Lisa and Peter all came over for Chili and a Bun and a few drinks - we had a really great night.
Today I'm staying home and doing a bit of housework and getting myself organised - Simmy has taken Tony to the Dentist and is doing the grocery shopping - whilst the Eames kids stay home with me.
So far no one has been able to build a decent snowman and the woodpeckers are going into hiding.
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.
Your family Xmas looks like it was great fun and yep, the turkey looked sensational! Happy New Year.
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