Well after a week of being in the hotel, it is finally time to pick up Stubbie. When we check out at the hotel they say to us that they hope to see us soon (they do remember us from our last visit) - all I can say is I hope not. Since we have been here, we have had big winds, snow, flurries, ice rain, ice pellets, sleet, rain, yep it is Spring. We have been told that it is the worst winter they have had since 1977, just our luck. The mail did arrive from our Texas address, however, our Rego wasn't amongst all the mail. I have phoned the mail service and it has arrived in Texas, so now we need to wait until Tuesday or Wednesday until it gets to the RV Park.
03/02/2014 - Halifax. After a lot of stress from the Big Fella, is everything going to work, I hope they checked this and that out, what if this doesn't work, etc etc off we go, mind you we have a lot of plans if this or that doesn't work. But luckily all goes well. It was like hoping back on a bike for the Big Fella he took to driving Stubbie like he hasn't been away from her.
After a long day we have finally got her set-up, and the shelves are full. We are the first people to arrive in the RV Park for this season, so all is not set-up in the Park just yet. We have needed to plug into the main house for power and water. There is still a lot of snow everywhere, and it looks cold, the pool is still frozen over. All I can say is thank goodness the heating still works, that was my main concern. However, I do admit that it has certainly slowed my smoking down - no not stopped, I am still addicted enough to stand outside in this freezing weather, Dave just shakes his head at me when I come back inside. We did find that even after a day some of our dishwashing liquids (that we had left here from our last visit) still hadn't thawed out and even worse a bottle of wine that I had left here had blown up - now that hurt.
Dave and I have been sleeping well in Stubbie, as the Big Fella said there is no place like home to get a decent nights sleep. It really is great to be back with Stubbie and Shooter, we have realised how much we miss travelling in them, rather than staying in hotels and needing to catch planes, taxis wherever you want to go. The King has resumed his usual position, in bed, whilst barking orders (or ringing his bell - thanks Sim and Heather) for his coffee and food - life is back to normal.
08/04/2014 - 15/04/2014 - Halifax, Nova Scotia to Maine, US
The time has arrived we have waited out the snowy weather, our registration has arrived, so off we go.
As we are driving through the state of New Brunswick we see a lot of snow, luckily for us there is none on the roads. I must admit we did a fair amount of driving on our first day as we just wanted to get out of Canada and into the USA - hoping to pick up some warmer weather and for RV Parks that are opened with full hook-up.
We parked at Walmart one night so I headed in to do a grocery shop. Well after waiting in line for 30mins to get to a checkout, I realise that I have left my wallet in Stubbie, so I then have to run over to her (of course Dave has parked as far away as possible) and retrieve my wallet - boy do I need to work on my fitness.
We have had some pretty scenery on our drive.
We have made it to an RV park (yes with full hookups that means we have electricity, water, sewerage, wifi and cable TV) in Bedford, Pennsylvania not too far from Pittsburgh. Dave wanted to have a rest day on the Sunday, so he could watch the final day of the US Masters Golf. He also wanted to do a bit of maintenance / cleaning on Stubbie, whilst he was cleaning the windshield, he realised that our windshield has started to pop out, mmm that was what that noise was and also that we should replace our 4 back tyres. We have been (okay Dave has) checking out the weather and it looks like some thunderstorms with snow and strong wind gusts are heading our way - so looks like we will be spending a couple of nights here. After getting the tires fitted we just got Stubbie back to the RV Park and plugged in and it started snowing.
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