The drive down the Oregon Coast line was just spectacular - it really was like a combination of the Great Ocean Rd and the Sunshine Coast. We took our time travelling down the coast line and spent many a night in RV Parks very close to the Beach - some parks were right on the Beach where we could sit back in Stubbie and watch the Seals / Seal Lions playing in the water - I never get sick of this. The Big Fella was in his element - sitting in the front seat,looking through his binoculars, whilst drinking a nice cold beer with one eye on Cable TV - I think it was basically heaven for him.
I no longer point out the many beautiful, green golf courses along the way - he is now talking about buying a new set of golf clubs. I think it's like pulling his fingernails out each time we go past a gorgeous golf course and keep driving. I'm pretty sure that before we get home he will have a new set..
We actually drove Shooter through one of these trees at Klamath, California - it is 2.23 metres wide.
Across the road from this tree was a park with Australians - stating that these were Australia's 2nd largest bird - I must admit I had to look this up on the good old wiki pedia - apparently the Cassowary is the heaviest.
It was sad for us (okay me) to say goodbye to Vegas again - but I know I'll be back again shortly - next month. And to be honest I don't think my body could of handled more nights with Rob, Jules, Narls and Macca.
I think the Big Fella was even out of whack after Las Vegas. We were getting ready to leave and I asked him if he wanted anything and all he asked for was for me to look for his watch - mmmm guess what it was on his arm.....

to Venice Beach. It really is amazing the things you see down there. The Beach is a really happy place and the people are really friendly (some a bit weird). We decided to stop at one of the restaurants and have a little snack to eat and a few drinks - well Karls and I had a pitcher (jug) of my old favourite Margarita's.
23/11/2010 - Karls and Dave went to the movies - whilst I went and got my hair done - one of the things that I don't like doing when travelling - you really never know who you are going to get. The last time I had my hair done was in Oregon and it really was / is a bit of a disaster. Anyway this time I was really happy with what the hairdresser did - she needed to give it a really good cut to try and resurrect it after my last hair cut. The back of my hair is about 1cm in length and has actually been shaved lower down. I now have a concave bob - which I'm really happy with - Dave not so happy - oh well.

25/11/2010 - 29/11/2010 - San Diego
Thanksgiving - Today we made the trek down to San Diego - with the intention of finding a nice place for a Turkey dinner. However, after we had got all set up we decided to head into the Gaslamp Quarters for a look around before going out to dinner. In the end we decided that the Gaslamp Quarters was a good place to have dinner, so we enjoyed a lovely Italian meal on Thanksgiving. This area is a really interesting little area and a great place to visit.
26/11/2010 - Today is known as Black Friday and is suppose to be the day for the best Sales at the shops - so of course that is where the girls are going to spend the day. Karls and Jesse picked up some great bargains and I believe they had a good day. I have no idea how Karleigh is going to get all her gear home..
28/11/2010 - It's my birthday and I was served a lovely breakfast (poached eggs on toast) and coffee in bed from Dave and Karleigh. The girls and I then went to the Factory Outlet stores to do a bit of shopping and then we went and had a nice lunch. Dave and the girls then made me a lovely Salmon and Salad dinner - overall a great day. I did receive a Christmas Present from Louise - but I decided to open it up on my birthday - oops. Lou made me a really beautiful bracelet and earrings - thanks very much Lou and Matt.
29/11/2010 - 03/12/2010 Los Angeles
29/11/2010 - It is time for us to head back to LA - we need to pick up Kecca in the morning (this is Karleigh's really good friend who will be with us until the new year.) We drove back up the old highway along the Coast so the girls could see Laguana Beach and Newport Beach, both in Orange County (OC).
30/11/2010 - We dropped Jess off at the Bus Station and went to pick up Kecca - unfortunately we got caught up in some traffic so we didn't get to see Kecca walking up the walk way. We decided that it is best if you try to adjust to the LA time as soon as you arrive. So we headed back to Venice Beach for breakfast, then we took a drive to Santa Monica Beach / Pier and Malibu Beach. The girls then decided that they wanted to go to the shop 'Dash' the Kardashian's shop at Calabasas. The girls got so excited because Bruce Jenner walked in - I think they nearly peed their pants. So after the girls had calmed down we drove down to Hollywood to have a look at the Chinese Theatre and the Grauman's Kodak Theatre (home of the Acadamey Awards).
We then headed to Hooters (one of Dave's favourite places - you can probably guess why).

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