Travelling in the RV is really a great experience - better than we both thought. We are getting better prepared when we leave or enter a site - but it is still a bit of a comedy show. Today when we went to set up the site - we forgot how to extend the annexe - after a while of trial and error we finally got it extended and it looked like it should - time to celebrate - bring on Happy Hour. We are having many laughs and are obtaining many wonderful memories.

16/04/2008 - We spent the day pottering around. We also went to the Gym for the first time in a long long while - we think we may have been a bit keen and done a bit too much - tomorrow will tell.
17/04/2008 - And boy did it tell after we both fell out of bed, and crawled to the kitchen (only a few metres - the advantage of having a 32ft home) - the muscles and backs were extremely sore. We packed up and said goodbye to Washington DC and headed off to Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

They are just very friendly people who have no interest in the outside world. They do not look for recruits to their religion and the family is the absolute center piece of their world. Truly remarkable.

Tonight we decided to stay in an RV park in Gettysburg and it was just unbelievable the people that have got away for the weekend. When we drove into the park the line up was two lanes wide and there were about four rigs in each lane. There was a couple of people managing the line ups.
It's been great over the last few days we have actually been able to wear just one layer of clothing - so nice for a change not to feel and look like the Michelin Man - now I only look like one.
Another thing that we have realised is just how much we missed seeing greenery especially green grass - it has been really great to see something other snow or brown grass.
19/04/2008 - This morning we woke up and decided to go for a quick bike ride to try out our new bikes (the first bit of exercise either of us could face after out gym workout) before heading off to Pittsburgh. For my ironmen and bike riding friends at CorpTech I have a new found respect for the relationship you have with your Bike Seat. Also helmets over here in Pennsylvania (not sure on any other states) but helmets are not compulsory for anyone over the age of 8. Also I don't believe that when you ride a motor bike helmets are compulsory - because out of all the bike riders we saw today only about 20% were wearing helmets. Also another bit of useless information but which may be interesting (especially to my brother) is that only 18% of drivers wear seat belts.

23-25/04/2008 - We arrived at the Chicago RV Park that we were going to be staying in for the next four days - and would you believe it the RV park was part of the Empress Casino. Could not believe my luck. After getting a few things sorted out we headed off to the Casino for a night out - well let me cut a long story short - Dave and I both had a win.
26/04/2008 - We headed into downtown Chicago to have a quick look around and get the feel for the city. Chicago is noted for it's tall buildings and windy streets and it lived up to both. Legend has it that they got to rebuild the city due to Catherine O'Leary's cow kicked over a lantern and burnt the old city down. (Great Chiago fires -1871) and hence they had the opportunity and ability to rebuild the city and that they did. (Up, Up and Upwards...)
For lunch we stopped at a restaurant that was recommended to us - to try their famous Chicago's deep pan pizza. Well the Big Fella and I just ordered the medium size and all I can say is that we struggled, we couldn't even finish the pizza - believe it or not there was still two pieces left when we had finished. The Big Fella got through 4 pieces and I managed 2 pieces. There was just so much cheese on the top that neither of us felt like dinner. After the pizza we walked to the Sears Building (the tallest Bldg in the USA), where we were told that there was a 1 1/2 hour wait just to get to the video room - so we passed. We had also been told to go to the John Hancock building (96 floors) which is the next tallest bldg in Chicago.
27/04/2008 - Today we had an early start and got into town in time to go to the John Hancock Building. The view was absolutely spectacular and we got to see a really good view of Chicago. After a stop at the Hancock Building we headed off to see the Blue Man Group. They were really great. After the Blue Man Group we then headed off to the Navy Pier for an early dinner at the Bubba Gump Shrimp Restaurant. (Remember run Forrest run...). After a great day we headed for the train station - and for the first time we got lost and missed the 6:40pm train so we needed to wait for the 8:30pm train.
28/04/2008 - It was sad to say goodbye to Chicago - we really did enjoy the city and we both decided that though it would be just too busy and big to live there permanently - we could both go back and visit for a good couple of months. We headed off to Indianapolis, Indiana. Today Dave and I put ourselves on a diet - we have bets on who will loose the most % of weight - we are hoping that the competitive side of us will help us loose those few (okay more than a few) extra kilos.
29/04/2008 - We set off this morning to go and visit the Indy Race Track. Even though Dave and I are not into car racing - it was great to be able to drive around the whole track and understand the history of the 2.5 mile venue. The town was starting to gear up for the Indy 500 which was on at the end of May. Whilst the tickets to the event were very reasonable we decided it was time to move on.